The AAA Approach
We take a considered and professional approach to strategic land promotion at every stage of the process, giving you total confidence in both the technical work and the engagement taking place.
We work in partnership with a highly skilled and vastly experienced team of planners, architects, urban designers, ecologists, hydrologists and more to gain planning consents which maximise the value of land. AAA Land project manages the team and devises a winning strategy.
Working in partnership with landowners we will go through the following process:
The Local Planning Authority (LPA)
We consider the context of the Local Plan and the Local Authority’s five year housing land supply position. AAA Land takes a proactive consultative approach, engaging with the LPA early to communicate our objectives and obtain feedback. Dialogue is maintained throughout maximising our chance of consent.
Landscape & urban design
We commission an independent report to assess this and feed it into the design in the form of a Strategic Landscape Appraisal (LA) or Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) to inform the: Masterplan, A supporting 3D model & Design and Access Statement (DAS).
A key consideration in any project is the impact it may have on the landscape.
Environmental assessment
Covers heritage, noise, air and soil assessments.
The impact upon heritage assets is considered eg: listed buildings. Any mitigation required is incorporated into the masterplan.
Arboricultural surveys
To determine the position and quality of the trees on site and to establish the presence of specific protected tree species.
Stakeholder & public consultation
Instrumental to successful site completion. A public consultation is held with the local community. We engage with the local community and stakeholders to get feedback on our initial plans and where possible incorporate them into the final designs and application.
We carry out all the necessary ecological surveys to ensure the proposed scheme doesn’t have an adverse impact on ecology and enhances it wherever possible.
Phase 1 Habitat Survey determines which habitats or species need to be considered and surveyed.
If Great Crested Newts are present, a mitigation strategy is developed and agreed with the Local Authority.
Ground investigation
A Phase 1 Site Investigation (SI) is undertaken followed by intrusive bore hole testing once permission has been granted.
An appropriate mitigation strategy is established if ground contamination, inconsistent ground conditions or other issues are established.
Topographical survey
It is important to identify: Areas which may be difficult or expensive to build upon. The impact upon highways. Landfall required to support the drainage strategy.
Affordable housing
Factors influencing the affordable housing percentage are assessed and we determine whether a case can be made to reduce the obligation or use some of the value to deliver local benefits.
Site Sale
Our team will negotiate with stakeholders to ensure the value is maximised. Open Market Value (OMV) is best achieved through a competitive tender process. Together we carry out the entire planning and sales process in return for a modest percentage of the onward sale.
Agricultural land quality
Assessing the quality of agricultural land in accordance with the NFPP and demonstrating sustainability is key. The ‘Best and Most Versatile’ agricultural land is protected from substantial development. This is land classified as 1, 2 or 3a in the ALC and careful consideration must be given to any development in these areas.
We devise the most suitable solutions to reduce the impact to the highway network.
Early in the design phase, we consider local transport and site access to ensure the scheme design is sustainable and attractive to end purchasers.
If off-site highways measures are needed we will devise a package that meets the need at minimum cost.
We look at how surface water will be collected and drained from the site. Also connections to the main foul sewer. Seeking agreement with the Council and Environment Agency and utility companies too.